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What is an ORI number or a VECHS number? How about an O.C.A. number?
The ORIginating Agency Identifier number does much more than identify the regulatory agency (and division within it) to where the Level 2 “Livescan” background check results will be sent once the law enforcement agencies have finished their research. Here are the reasons the state of Florida requires you to provide the correct ORI number to the Livescan Service Provider (LSP), meaning us:
- It functions as a routing number to make certain your background check results are electronically delivered to the correct regulatory agency and office location. Without the right number, the results will never arrive and you will need to submit again (and pay for) your Level 2 background check a second time.
- It functions as an identifier to allow the law enforcement agencies to know exactly why you are being screened and allows them to focus on researching the correct background items required. A wrong number means the wrong requirements will be used for your background check; thus, it will be invalid.
- It determines how much the law enforcement agencies will charge (FDLE collects your money through us) for your screening, and thus, the total your LSP will then charge you for your screening. A wrong number means you may likely be charged an incorrect amount for your submission.
Volunteer and Employee Criminal History Search number, or VECHS number, functions in the same fashion as does the ORI number above. Whereas ORI numbers are specifically for FL regulatory agencies and activities, a VECHS number is assigned to each approved organization and is used to ensure compliance with mandatory (by law required) Level 2 “Livescan” background screenings that do not fall under the purview of one of the FL agencies. VECHS screenings are most often accomplished to protect the “vulnerable” population, meaning children, the elderly, and the disabled. When a VECHS number is used, the background check results are returned directly into the Civil Workflow Control System (managed by a division within FDLE) and are used to make applicant suitability “determinations” which are then made available to the gaining organizations.
The Organization Controlling Agency Identifier or O.C.A. number is assigned to the specific organization receiving an applicant’s “determination” from the FL regulatory agency which received the law enforcement background check results. O.C.A. numbers are no longer used by any FL regulatory agency, with the exception of DCF, due to the very large numbers of organizations they regulate and to ensure correct post “determination” routing. IF you are having a Level 2 “Livescan” background check accomplished for a DCF regulated organization, you will also be required to bring the O.C.A. number, along with the ORI number, to your fingerprinting to give to the LSP.